Welcome San JosΓ© del Cabo Expats!

This resource list was created to provide expats with links to help entertain visitors and live your best life in San JosΓ© del Cabo. Request edit or addition.

Cheers! πŸ₯‚ Jenn Seeger πŸ’ƒ


  • Transportation Services: Juan Pablo (have him stop at the Chedraui at the roundabout for groceries on the way from the airport), Cactus Rental Car or Uber (you cannot Uber from the Airport so plan to arrange private transportation or take a shuttle from the Airport)

  • San JosΓ© del Cabo Club Information

    🎨 Art Club: Meet with other expats to make art and do activites like guided gallery walks! Group leaders: Debi Swatman & Jane Lillico

    🐢 Dog Meet Ups: Bring your pup to local spots for meets with other friendly dogs and humans. Group leader: Pamela Wouk

    πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Cooking Club: Cooking classes, dinners, tastings, and more! Group leader: Shauna McClure

    πŸ’ƒπŸΌ Salsa Dancing Club: Dancing classes, meet ups, lessons and more! Group leaders: Linda Nath & Amber Jean Prest

    πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈWalking Club + Coffee Time: Meets Tuesdays @ 9am by the Flag in the City Square to walk for 30 minutes. Group leader: Lisa Stewart

    Participation in each group is complimentary, tailored for the expat community in SJD, though certain events may have associated fees.

    For details on upcoming club events, kindly refer to the EVENTS tab in this Facebook group. Please RSVP and direct any inquiries to the group leader after reviewing the description.


  • Rise & Thrive Club: Join success-driven women over 40 ready to elevate their business, build lasting wealth, prioritize their well-being, and step boldly into their next chapter without doing it alone.

  • WILD (Women. Innovating. Leading. Developing): WILD is a dynamic women's networking group focused on supporting and promoting our members' businesses and endeavors.

FOOD & DRINKS 🍽 β˜•οΈ

  • Restaurant Specials for Locals: Tuesday Wings & Sunday Ribs @ Retro Burger

SELF CARE πŸ’†πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


  • Utilities: You can go in and add credits on utility services to avoid anything ever being shut off.

  • Property Tax Payment: You get a discounted rate if property taxes are paid early - 20% off in January, 15% off in February, and 10% off in March

  • Paying Fideicomisio Annual Fees: Annual payment is due every year on the date when you closed (your fideicomisio date).

  • Internet: Starlink is great for home owners (MX$1,100/mo, with hardware cost of MX$8,300)

  • Home Repair & Construction Providers: Coming soon!


  • Health Insurance Specialists (Fredy Braverman, Katya Berci, Cathy Smith)


  • Getting Pesos: Convert US or Canadian dollars to Mexican Pesos on your Wise Debit Card and then pull pesos out at the ATM @ La Comer using your Wise card (US expats use the Citibank ATM; Canadians use Scotiabank ATM)

  • Credit Cards (charge everything in pesos on a credit card with no international fees)

  • Foreign Earned Income Exclusion: For US Expats it is $126,500 for the 2024 tax year. Must reside in Mexico for at least 330 full days during any period of 12 consecutive months.


  • Getting Your RFC: It's a unique registration number issued by Mexico's tax collection agency, SAT. Required to claim capital gains tax exemptions on any property you own when you sell it, to open a bank account, purchase a car, or receive income from a Mexican company.

  • Establishing a Corporation & Accounting Services (connections coming soon!)


  • November 1 & 2 - Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos): Traditionally, November 1st honors deceased children and November 2nd honors deceased adults. The main plaza puts out beautiful alters (be sure to stop at Los Tres Gallos!) and Flora Farms does an event.

Designed with ❀️ by Jenn Seeger